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  • seanhirshberg 6:34 pm on March 15, 2011 Permalink | Reply  

    An article on ehow.com shows how twitter can be useful to help find a job. The article gives some instructions.

    Import your contacts from other networks to see who is on Twitter and to find people to follow. Following people means that you will see their 140-character updates in your personal timeline. Simply click on the “Find People” link and go to the “Find on Other Networks” tab. You can import your contacts from Gmail, AOL, Yahoo!, Hotmail and MSN.

    Follow people with similar interests and people you know are players in your professional field. You can do this in a number of ways. Do a name search for specific users on Twitter. Or, if you don’t want to take the time to do this manually, join a service like Twollow, which allows you to enter a number of relevant keywords and uses that information to automatically add people to your network (see Resources below).

    Customize your Twitter account to reflect your needs. Choose your 160-character biography with care, highlighting some of your professional strengths, but also giving it a personal touch. Link to your resume, CV or professional website via the “More Info URL” and, if possible, create a customized background for your Twitter page.

    Use Twitter’s advanced search feature to search tweets for keywords, people and places that are relevant to your job search. You can also follow hot topics by using and searching hashtags (see Resources below). The hashtag feature marks a keyword as noteworthy. Just use # before a word in your tweet. Follow @hashtags to add your tags to the database.

    Begin the conversation, aiming for brevity. It’s best to start by sending a few direct messages to people you know before tweeting to the entire network. Be honest and forthright, starting with something simple such as “Seeking #job as #IT consultant. Anyone know of anything in Timbuktu?”

    Participate, don’t dominate. Employers are looking for team players. Using Twitter to tweet all about yourself or promote your work without showing an equal interest in other people’s conversations comes across as spammy and egotistical.”

    Read more: http://tinyurl.com/4orf9vu

  • seanhirshberg 6:16 pm on March 15, 2011 Permalink | Reply  

    Good read on why the world is and is becoming Twitter crazy http://tinyurl.com/mchcak

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